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Set 2

Building the World of Alice:



Being on crew is a fun yet challenging process and requires effort. There are many different crew jobs including makeup, costuming, tech, and stage hand. Stage hand requires a lot of moving sets on and off and taking care of props. The people in black that you see moving things on? Ya that’s them. They play a very important part in running the show. They take care of things behind the curtain or backstage. Tech are our people in the booth. They also play a very important part in this production. Hey control sound, lights, and much more. These people work hard to make this show successful. They have to deal with a lot of technology and stay on ques they have to pay extra attention.


What’s it like being on crew


Being on crew is a very fun job however when they get to work they get to work. They are constantly paying attention and waiting for their next task. They have to make sure everything goes smoothly. If you don't like being on stage and dealing with the lights and audience being on crew is the way to go. Not only do you get to help with the show you're part of it. You make. Huge difference for the whole team. Even if you're never on stage and are helping with makeup or costumes you still are very important. Being on crew is definitely a great experience and you learn a lot on how these productions work.

The Crew Process

By Abigail Olson

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