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From Page to Stage; the process of production 

Interview with a Set Designer: Mr. Martin
What has been the most difficult set you've had to make and what makes your job easier?
The hardest is a slide that doesn't splinter the performers.  The easiest is when you can reuse pieces and sets from previous productions.
How many set pieces are you currently making for Alice in Wonderland?
Four giant set pieces that will be reusable.
Is set design the most expensive part of a production?
It depends on the production. In certain plays and musicals, the royalties are the most expensive parts of the production.
Do you make most of the sets or are they bought or donated from outside sources?
The sets were donated by D & M events.
Light and Sound Design:
Roughly how long does it take to design an entire show's worth of light/sound cues?
It takes from day 1 after the announcement of the production to the show's opening night.
Do you prefer to have pre-set  cues or control things manually?
I prefer to have pre-set cues.
Break a leg Riley!

Congratulations Riley! 

We are so proud of our Mouse.

We love you!

Dad, Mom and Grandma

Break a leg Isabella Luna!

Isabella Luna, You are amazing! You make us very proud!


Mom & Dad

Break a leg Kayla!

Kayla, you are our favorite Rose in the Garden.


Mom, Dad, JJ & Brad

Break a leg Katie Elizabeth!

Katie Elizabeth, We are so proud of you and love you very much!

Mom, Dad, Walt, Kate, Lucy and Claire

Break a leg Jack!

Jackson, If you dream it, you can do it! We love you!!!

Sarah, Andrew, Mom and Dad

Break a leg Nevan!

Nevan, "We're all mad here!!!" - We know you'll be great and can't wait to watch another one of your great performances.


Mom and Dad

Break a leg Paul!

Paul, We're so proud of you! You're a star!


Mom, Kraig, Dad, Mat, Liv, Guinness and Tori

Break a leg Tommy!

Congratulations to our brave Knight, Tommy!


Mommy & Annabelle

Break a leg Hailey!

We are so proud of you Hailey!

Break a leg!


Dad, Mom, and all your crazy siblings

Break a leg Mia!

Mia, we are so incredibly proud of you! You amaze me every day with your smarts and beauty! You never let your deafness slow you down! You are so driven and so kind. You are my Rory! We love you!!!

Mom, Dad, Ashton, Alex & Manda

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